Wide Eyed Wonder

Matthew 18:3-4
Jesus said,
“Change the way you think.
Learn about God’s Kingdom
with the wide-eyed wonder
of a child.”


Stressed Out
Track 2 on Blurryface
We used to play pretend,
give each other different names

We would build a rocket ship
an’ then we’d fly it far away

Used to dream of outer space,
but now they’re laughin’ at our face

Sayin’, “Wake up,
you need to make money!,” yeah
The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots


The Good News according to Jesus (& tøp)
is that we’ve all been given the power
to “change the way we think.”

I grew up thinking the Bible
was just a bunch of rules.
Therefore, I grew up imagining God
as this big, grumpy authoritarian.
But then I read verses like Matthew 18:3
(or listen to songs like Stressed Out),
and I’m encouraged to consider
a new point of view.
What if, more than judging me,
God just wants to love me?
What if, instead of living under
the weight of disappointment,
God just wants me to live in wonder?
What if, more than being perfect,
God just wants me to be his kid?


Spaceman S.
Twenty One Pilots Gallery
Harrisburg Arts Museum
Houston, Texas
Winter 2020
Art By: @dizkust

Sevenapples Study

1. Discover God

What does your verse say about who God is?

2. Discover Identity

What does your verse say about who God created you to be?

3. Discover Purpose

What step will you take to turn your discovery into action?

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