Psalm 45:1-5
My heart bursts its banks,
spilling beauty and goodness.
I pour it out in a poem to my king,
shaping the river into words:
“You are better by far than all others, my king.
Gracious words stream from your lips.
God himself has blessed you forever.
With your sword at your side,
you are glorious, majestic,
a mighty warrior.
Ride on in splendor;
ride into battle victorious,
for the sake of truth, humility,
and justice.
Go forth
to perform awe-inspiring deeds!
Your arrows are sharp,
piercing your enemies’ hearts.
The nations fall beneath your feet.”
Psalm 45 describes the beauty,
power, and influence of God’s
anointed king and may have
been composed in honor of
a royal wedding.
Whether we realize it or not,
the overall well-being of a nation
is tied directly to its leaders.
When the leaders are just
and make good decisions,
then the welfare of a nation
is secure. But when leaders
are unjust and make poor
decisions, and they pursue
personal agendas rather than
the public good, then nations
suffer. This is why Scripture
instructs those of faith to pray
for all people everywhere,
especially that those in authority
would lead the world to dignity
and peace.
Psalm 45 celebrates that rare
breed, a godly king who pursues
truth and justice. It anticipates
a joyful union and future children
who will one day follow in the steps
of their father. May the world
witness a new breed of leader,
fashioned in the image of this psalm.
~From ‘The Voice’
Lens & Knight
Maplewood House
Oak Ridge, Texas
Summer 2019