Revelation 2:2-5
I know all you’ve done for me—
your hard work and perseverance.
I know you don’t tolerate evil.
You have tested those
who claimed to be my emissaries,
and you have found
they are not true witnesses;
you discovered they are imposters.
I know your persistence,
your courage in my cause,
and that you never wear out.
But I have this against you:
you have abandoned your first love.
You don’t love me or each other
as you did at first!
It’s time to change the way you think;
return to your early love.
Stressed Out
Track 2 on Blurryface
Wish we could turn back time
to the good old days
When our momma sang us to sleep,
but now we’re stressed out
The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots
The Good News according to Jesus (& tøp)
is that we’ve each been given the power
to “change the way we think.”
No matter who you are,
no matter what your circumstance:
life can be hard,
life can be complicated,
life can stress you out.
Having the right perspective
is key to overcoming.
That right perspective will always be built
around remembering you are loved,
and remembering to love others.
Brooke Elyse & River Bane
Twenty One Pilots Gallery
Pirates Beach
Galveston, Texas
Fall 2019