Ephesians 3:16-19
Father, out of your honorable
and glorious riches, I ask
that you strengthen your people.
Fill their souls
with the power of your Spirit
so that through faith,
Jesus will reside in their hearts.
May love be the rich soil
where their lives take root.
May it be the bedrock
where their lives are founded.
Together, with all of your people,
may they have the power
to understand
that the love of Jesus
is infinitely long, wide,
high, and deep.
It surpasses everything anyone
previously experienced.
God, may your fullness
flood through their entire beings.
Track 11 on Trench
Either way
it helps to hear these words
bounce off of you
The softest echo
could be enough
for me to make it through
The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots
Heart On A Fence
Twenty One Pilots Gallery
Houston Graffiti Park
Houston, Texas
Fall 2018