The Original Undercover Boss

Isaiah 53:2-4
My servant grew up
in the Lord’s presence
like a tender green shoot,
like a root in dry ground.
There was nothing beautiful
or majestic
about his appearance,
nothing to attract us to him.
He was despised and rejected—
a man of sorrows,
acquainted with deepest grief.
We turned our backs on him
and looked the other way.
He was despised,
and we did not care.
Yet it was our weaknesses
he carried;
it was our sorrows
that weighed him down.


Crucifix In Shadow
Meadow Rue House
The Woodlands, Texas
Summer 2011

Sevenapples Study

1. Discover God

What does your verse say about who God is?

2. Discover Identity

What does your verse say about who God created you to be?

3. Discover Purpose

What step will you take to turn your discovery into action?

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