1 Thessalonians 5:6-8
So let’s not give in to sleep
or wander around in a stupor as some do,
but let’s stay awake and in control.
For sleepers sleep through the night,
and drunkards drink the night away.
But since we belong to the day,
we should stay sober and in control,
protected by the armor of faith and love,
and wearing as our helmet
the confidence of our salvation.
Ode To Sleep
Track 3 on Regional At Best
I’ll stay awake
’cause the dark’s not taking prisoners tonight
Why am I not scared in the morning?
I don’t hear those voices calling
I must have kicked them out
I must have kicked them out
The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots
Charlotte’s Dawn
Twenty One Pilots Gallery
Pirates Beach
Galveston, Texas
Fall 2019