Ezekiel 21:8-10
Then the Lord said to me, Son of man,
give the people this message
from the Lord:
“A sword, a sword is being sharpened
and polished.
It is sharpened for terrible slaughter
and polished to flash like lightning!”
The above verse was given
to my son, Wyatt James,
when he asked the Lord
to give him a Scripture
to focus on for the year 2022.
Wyatt’s interpretation
after receiving the verse,
“Daddy, I think God
is telling me
to sharpen my sword
by spending more time
with him in his word.
I think God is telling me
to polish my sword
by learning how
to reflect him more this year.
I think God is also telling me
to start the year
by fasting from my device.”
Cartwright Draft
Andy Szabo Painting
Spring, Texas
Winter 2022
Art By: Andy Szabo