Out Here Making Lemonade

Ecclesiastes 8:14-15
In this life,
good people
are often treated
as though they were wicked,
and wicked people
are often treated
as though they were good.
This is so meaningless!
So I recommend having fun,
for the best a person can do
under the sun
is to enjoy life.
Eat, drink, and be happy.
If this is your attitude,
joy will carry you through your toil—
for the struggle for survival
these few years God gives us
on earth.


Level Of Concern
Track 4 on Location Sessions
In a world
That’s seen better days
With my friends
Simon, Paul, Jesse, Josh and Ned
Out here makin’ lemonade
Via email
The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots


The popular phrase
this card is built on
was initially coined
by Christian anarchist
writer Elbert Hubbard
in a 1915 obituary
he penned and published
for dwarf actor Marshall Pinckney Wilder.
The obituary, entitled The King of Jesters,
praises Wilder’s optimistic attitude
and achievements
in the face of his disabilities:
“He was a walking refutation
of that dogmatic statement,
‘Mens sana in corpore sano.’
His was a sound mind in an unsound body.
He proved the eternal paradox of things.
He cashed in on his disabilities.
He picked up the lemons
that Fate had sent him
and started a lemonade-stand.”

“Life handed him a lemon,
As Life sometimes will do.
His friends looked on in pity,
Assuming he was through.
They came upon him later,
Reclining in the shade
In calm contentment, drinking
A glass of lemonade.”
Flynn, Clarence Edwin (Nov. 1940),
~The Rotarian

When Life Gives You Lemons
Twenty One Pilots Gallery
Meadow Rue House
The Woodlands, Texas
Spring 2020


Sevenapples Study

1. Discover God

What does your verse say about who God is?

2. Discover Identity

What does your verse say about who God created you to be?

3. Discover Purpose

What step will you take to turn your discovery into action?

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