I Am A Vulture

Micah 1:16
Cut off your hair
and shave your heads.
Prepare yourselves for slavery
on account of the children
whom you pampered
and privileged.
Make yourself as bald
as the vulture,
for your children
have been removed from you
into exile.


Track 2 on Trench
This culture
is a poacher of overexposure,
not today

Don’t feed me to the vultures,
I am a vulture who feeds on pain
The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots


The act of of shaving one’s head
demonstrates sorrow.
Sometimes we do this
on behalf of ourselves.
Sometimes, on behalf of others.
In Micah 1:16, we see a prophet
pronouncing God’s judgment
against a people
who had refused to obey the Lord.
When called upon to do what was right,
this people refused;
choosing instead
to put their idolization of their kids
before their loyalty to the Lord.
And what a grievous thing this is!
That we would demonstrate to our children
that personal comfort is to be pursued
over our allegiance to God,
is to pervert an entire generation.
Matthew Henry’s Commentary states
that the subsequent captivity
of these children would be
“all the more grievous to them
because they had been brought up
and had not been inured
to hardship.”
As such, one of the purposes
of twenty øne piløts shaving their heads
could be to demonstrate
that we are living in
such a generation.


Tyler Grieving
Twenty One Pilots Gallery
Photo from Levitate Shoot
“Cut-Out” Filter Added
Art By: Andrew Donoho

Sevenapples Study

1. Discover God

What does your verse say about who God is?

2. Discover Identity

What does your verse say about who God created you to be?

3. Discover Purpose

What step will you take to turn your discovery into action?

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