1 John 4:1-4
Friends, do not trust
every spirit.
Instead, examine them carefully
to determine if they come
from God,
because the corrupt world is filled
with the voices of many
false prophets.
Here is how you know God’s Spirit:
if a spirit affirms the truth
that Jesus has come in human flesh,
then that spirit is from God.
If a spirit does not affirm
the true nature of Jesus,
that spirit does not come from God
and is, in fact,
the spirit of the antiChrist.
You have heard about its coming;
in fact
it is already active in the world.
Little children, you are from God
and have overcome them,
for he who is in you
is greater
than he who is in the world.
Milk Snake vs. Salamander
Burnt Biscuit Ranch
Conroe, Texas
Summer 2005