Colossians 1:24-27
I rejoice in what I’ve suffered
on your behalf,
for I am participating
in the sufferings of Christ
that continue for his body,
the church.
I am a servant appointed by God
to preach the Word of God
until it is known to you
and all over the world —
what I am talking about
is the mystery of the ages!
This message was kept secret
for centuries and generations past,
but now it has been revealed
to God’s people.
For God wanted them to know
that the riches and glory of Christ
are for everyone.
And this is the secret:
Christ lives in you.
Track 2 on Trench
This culture is a poacher
of overexposure,
not today
Don’t feed me to the vultures,
I am a vulture who feeds on pain
The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots
Kitchen Door
Twenty One Pilots Gallery
Baptist Haiti Mission
Fermathe, Haiti
Fall 2018