Hebrews 11:32-34
By faith God’s people
overthrew kingdoms,
ruled with justice,
and received what God
had promised them.
They shut the mouths of lions,
quenched the flames of fire,
and escaped death
by the edge of the sword.
Their weakness was turned
to strength.
They became strong in battle
and put whole armies to flight.
Nico And The Niners
Track 9 on Trench
East is up
They want to make you forget
They want to make you forget
The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots
Our enemy, the devil,
wants to make us forget
that the moment we believed
and declared our faith
in Jesus –
we were forever rescued.
Forever forgiven.
Forever empowered
by the Jumpsuit of our faith –
the Holy Spirit of God.
And by the power of God’s Spirit,
we can take the verbs
in this ancient passage,
and read them as
present tense promises.
By faith, God’s people (you and me)
overthrow kingdoms,
rule with justice,
and receive what God promises us.
We shut the mouths of lions,
quench the flames of fire,
and escape certain death.
So, how do we keep ourselves
from forgetting this legacy?
By praying.
By reading the Bible.
By remaining in community.
By serving others.
By worshipping God.
When we exercise these
spiritual disciplines,
we make it impossible to forget.
Which one of these disciplines
do you need to work on this week?
Fight The Power
Twenty One Pilots Gallery
City Street
Ulm, Germany
Summer 2014