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2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Remember this —
a farmer who plants
only a few seeds
will get a small crop.
But the one who plants
will get a generous crop.
You must each decide
in your heart
how much to give.
And don’t give reluctantly
or in response to pressure.
“For God loves a person
who gives cheerfully.”
And God will generously provide
all you need.
Then you will always have
everything you need
and plenty left over
to share with others.
Charlotte Holding Wildflowers
Meadow Rue House
The Woodlands, Texas
Spring 2014

Sevenapples Study

1. Discover God

What does your verse say about who God is?

2. Discover Identity

What does your verse say about who God created you to be?

3. Discover Purpose

What step will you take to turn your discovery into action?

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