Blood Is On My Tongue

1 Corinthians 11:25-26
After they finished dinner,
he took the cup and said,
“This cup is the new covenant,
executed in my blood.
Keep doing this
so that you
and all who come after you
will have a vivid reminder of me.”
Every time you taste this bread
and every time you drink from this cup,
you are declaring the Lord’s death,
which is the ultimate expression
of his faithfulness and love.


Cut My Lip
Track 10 on Trench
Rust around the rim,
drink it anyway

I cut my lip
Isn’t what I want,
blood is on my tongue

I cut my lip
The Gospel According to Twenty One Pilots


Communion Elements
Twenty One Pilots Gallery
Camp Allen Staff Retreat
Grimes County, Texas
Spring 2016

Sevenapples Study

1. Discover God

What does your verse say about who God is?

2. Discover Identity

What does your verse say about who God created you to be?

3. Discover Purpose

What step will you take to turn your discovery into action?

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