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Psalm 36:5-9
Your love, O Lord,
towers high into the heavens.
Even the skies
are lower than your faithfulness.
Your justice
is like the majestic mountains.
Your judgments
are as deep as the ocean,
and yet in Your greatness,
you offer life
for every person and animal.
Your strong love, O Lord,
is precious.
All people run for shelter
under the shadow of your wings.
In Your house,
they eat and are full at your table.
They drink from the river
of your overflowing kindness.
You have the fountain of life
that quenches our thirst.
Your light has opened our eyes
and awakened our souls.


Hammer Wrench
Water Well Installation
Southern India
Winter 2009

Sevenapples Study

1. Discover God

What does your verse say about who God is?

2. Discover Identity

What does your verse say about who God created you to be?

3. Discover Purpose

What step will you take to turn your discovery into action?

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