The Price Of Pretending

Ezekiel 13:9-10
I will raise my fist against
all the prophets
who see false visions
and make lying predictions,
and they will be banished
from the community of Israel.
I will blot their names
from Israel’s record books,
and they will never again
set foot in their own land.
Then you will know
that I am the Sovereign Lord.
This will happen
because these evil prophets
deceive my people by saying,
”All is peaceful”
when there is no peace at all!
It’s as if the people
have built a flimsy wall,
and these prophets
are trying to reinforce it
by covering it with whitewash!


Whitewashed Wall
National Cemetery
Natchez, Mississippi
Summer 2014

Sevenapples Study

1. Discover God

What does your verse say about who God is?

2. Discover Identity

What does your verse say about who God created you to be?

3. Discover Purpose

What step will you take to turn your discovery into action?

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