The Craving

Isaiah 53:11 Out of the anguish of his soul God’s servant will see and be satisfied. As God says, “My just servant will justify countless others by taking on their punishment and bearing it away.”   IMAGE DETAILS The Body Of Christ Twenty One Pilots Gallery The Box From ‘The Craving’ Music Video Box Lid […]

Our Hometown’s In The Dark

Matthew 5:14 You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city shining on a hill.   TWENTY ONE PILOTS LYRIC Hometown Track 12 on Blurryface Where we’re from, we’re no one, Our hometown’s in […]

Out Here Making Lemonade

Ecclesiastes 8:14-15 In this life, good people are often treated as though they were wicked, and wicked people are often treated as though they were good. This is so meaningless! So I recommend having fun, for the best a person can do under the sun is to enjoy life. Eat, drink, and be happy. If […]